Some Thoughts On Artificial Intelligence And Ethics

Ethics have always been one of the most important subjects among scientists and philosophers. There are a lot of AI researchers discussed about the matter of AI Ethics, some have exaggerated ideas about the invasion of robots that ruin humanity and human life in future and some others have been more optimistic.

There is no doubt that A.I has changed our life and how we operate in manufacturing, Industry 4.0, online security, healthcare and so on. Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and machine intelligence have had a great impact on invention of new technology within software design, quantum search engine and IT applications.

As the prospects of real-time recognition for security purposes grows bolder, it has also engendered a lot of controversies.  With this innovation currently being used on experimentally in actual operations by police of England and China, it becomes imperative to give a comprehensive analysis of the innovation. In England, the innovation has been used to image mobsters during football matches. In a similar manner, the police of China have fused the innovation into shades with the goal of imaging tourists in the train station.  While this innovation seems to advance security, the quandary of ensuring rectitude and good ethics seems to hang loosely in the balance.

The boundaries of rectitude, morality and good ethics is always at the core of our way of life as a people. Our innate impulse and the circumstances of our being continual forces us to differentiate good from bad with a commitment to uphold that which is good and fair.

Our enduring search for discerning what is good and fair predates history and has been vigorously explored by spiritual and traditional leaders as well as in the educational sphere by great thinkers. However, when you consider the way Artificial Intelligence is fast becoming an inextricable part of our being, it is only expected that we explore the ramifications of AI on the certainty of our rectitude and ethics.

While we evolve together with AI innovation, it is expected that it will gradually progress to full realization and man will propel the wheel of AI’s advancement. However, it is hoped that AI will be deployed in an accountable manner that allows for it to be handed down to posterity. Artificial Intelligence (A.I) has the capacity to modify our process of assimilation and sufficiently advanced to ensure that we are continually in an atmosphere that supports the harmless transmission of knowledge.

Undoubtedly, the rectitude and ethical certainty of AI innovation will be a big issue for posterity. The reason for this is hinged on the fact that AI innovation has the capacity for independent and inspired operations thus will there be a violation of prevailing ethical and constitutional circumstances. These worries and lines of inquiry are incumbent as we continue to understand AI innovations and their limits.

One of the major reasons why man stands out from other creatures is because of our mental capacity and demonstration of intelligence. However, it would mesmerize you to find that there are AI innovations with the same capacity. These AIs achieve this feat through algorithms which allows them to modify and adjust to prevailing changes.

However, the immediate challenge remains our capacity to feel safe with AI innovations and to have faith in their capacity to conduct themselves without prejudice, to eliminate any mistakes and to conduct themselves in an equitable manner. It is expected that man will have a better understanding of what principles of awareness and aptitude are. Thankfully, these are issues with a lot of relevance in the modern world.

It becomes clear that the big dilemma is being able to incorporate these innovations in the most equitable and accountable manner. Each time there is an intense deliberation on the rectitude and ethics of AI innovation, we arrive at a logjam and this does not encourage the advancement of AI. It is stated that AI is by far the biggest risk to man. Furthermore, it is expected to change life as we know it for positively or negatively while becoming man’s final creation that is inspired by necessity.

When making the best possible projections, it is expected that AI will outshine man’s accomplishments and AI will develop the capacity to modify itself in a superior manner. With this, it is capable of creating many other things thus evolving to the integration of man and AI innovation.

On the other hand, the most deplorable case will be such that AI becomes self-serving with total neglect of our needs. In this scenario, creating AI is a recklessly irresponsible endeavor. However, from the perspective of what happens immediately, it is expected that the anticipated dangers of with AI and the doubts that should be clarified before AI becomes widespread, is hinged on prejudices and the way these mistakes will affect our social order.

While it is unknown if it’s the information given to AI that is prejudiced or its deductions, it must be pointed out that AI will certainly have some prejudices. Therefore, if it is imperative to create an AI innovation that is free from any prejudice and that can be conveniently repaired before fully relying on AI to lead the trajectory of mankind. Remember! No matter what happens and how advanced AI and robotics will become, man still is the master, because without human’s interaction and supervision, machine is powerless. A machine needs human to generate source of power in order to function.


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