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Maria Johnsen's nonfiction books

Maria Johnsen's nonfiction Books Since 2013

Maria Johnsen’s nonfiction books span a wide array of topics and serve as educational materials for both undergraduate and postgraduate students in universities across Europe and North America. Since 2013, Maria has authored 78 nonfiction books in multiple languages, including German, French, English, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese, and Russian. These books are accessible on Amazon, Google Play, and Google Books. To purchase Maria Johnsen’s nonfiction books, simply search for the title on Amazon or Google, and you will find the option to buy. If you reside outside of the countries where these platforms are most common, like Norway, you can order from the nearest Amazon marketplace, such as

If you have any questions about Maria Johnsen’s nonfiction books, feel free to contact here. Her assistant, Helen Larsen, will respond if she is unavailable. Occasionally, she offers her books for free via Amazon KDP for a limited time, and she announce sthese opportunities on her YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook channels.

The revenue generated from Maria Johnsen’s nonfiction books is crucial for funding her independent films. As a filmmaker operating outside the traditional studio system, securing financing is incredibly difficult. The earnings from her books go towards compensating the cast and crew, renting locations, covering insurance, managing production design, post-production, and marketing. Without an agent and with limited digital presence, financing her  films through book sales remains a challenge. However, Maria Johnsen’s nonfiction books continue to play a key role in supporting her creative endeavors.

My passion for writing originates from my early exposure to a diverse range of publications during my childhood. I developed a deep enthusiasm for various genres, including fiction and nonfiction, thanks to my exploration of Russian, American, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, French, and German novels and poems. These literary works, authored by the likes of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy, Karin Boye, Émile Zola, August Strindberg, Alexander Dumas, Mark Twain, and Charles Dickens, helped shape my own creative visualization and storytelling abilities. Additionally, I delved into oriental literature from authors spanning several millennia. Throughout my childhood, my goals and dreams were intertwined with the heroes depicted in these captivating tales.

My journey as a writer gained momentum when I encountered Alexander Dumas’s collection, particularly “Joseph Balsamo.” Inspired by his work, I penned my very first fictional story at the age of ten. By the time I turned thirteen, I had written my first screenplay, which I proudly presented to a renowned filmmaker connected to my father. This screenplay focused on the theme of poverty, influenced by one of Dostoyevsky’s books that deeply impacted me. I aspired to become a writer akin to Dostoyevsky, driven by his literary prowess and profound achievements.

Upon reviewing my work, the film producer expressed interest in having a conversation with me. On a cold, rainy Wednesday morning, my father picked me up from school and brought me to the filmmaker’s office. After exchanging pleasantries and engaging in the typical questions adults often ask, he requested that I read a section of my synopsis. Following this, he imparted valuable advice, saying, “To truly depict the rain, you must stand beneath it, experience it firsthand, and then write about it. It is essential to focus on subjects that hold personal significance to you. Craft a story about yourself, your friends and family, and your aspirations.”

Those words resonated deeply with me, and I made it a point to put them into practice. His advice was truly invaluable, and even after his passing two years later, I cherished and internalized the wisdom he shared with me.

My books are not priced at $0.99 or $2. They are meticulously researched non-fiction works that showcase my innovative thoughts and ideas in artificial intelligence, cyber security, digital marketing, blockchain, screenplay writing, filmmaking, investing, and sales. Each book is crafted with utmost care, featuring high-quality printing and paper. Similarly, my fiction books are of exceptional quality, destined to be adapted into feature films within their respective genres. If you’re seeking inexpensive or recycled literature, I kindly request that you explore other options.

Maria Johnsen’s nonfiction books

Some of these nonfiction books are undergraduate and postgraduate educational materials and taught at universities in Europe and North America. I have written 78 books since 2013 in German, French, English, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese and Russian.  If you wish to purchase these books on Amazon or Google Play and Google Books, please write the title on your Amazon or Google search and you will find the book and you may purchase it. If you reside in the countries which are not listed below, you can go to the Amazon nearest to your countries and buy there. For example: I am Norwegian and in Norway we buy products on If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line. If I am not around, my assistant Helen Larsen responds and notifies me. I subscribe my books on Amazon KDP on occasion for a short period of time. I usually announce when my books will be available free on my Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin and Facebook channels.

The revenue generated from my books is dedicated to financing my films. As an independent filmmaker, securing funds for a film outside the traditional studio system is exceptionally challenging. Every earning I make is directed towards compensating my cast and crew, securing locations, covering insurance costs, managing production design, facilitating post-production, and supporting marketing efforts. Due to the absence of an agent and limited presence on digital platforms, I face difficulties in generating sufficient income to finance my films.

Thank you for your time and stay safe.🌹🤗❤️📕

Maria Johnsen's nonfiction books

search engine optimization

In today’s digital world, search engine optimization has become the backbone of online success. Whether you’re running a personal blog, managing an e-commerce site, or steering a large-scale enterprise, understanding how to optimize for search engines is key to attracting visitors, generating leads, and building a lasting online presence.
This book was born out of the realization that search engine optimization, though widely discussed, often feels like an elusive and ever-changing field. Many businesses and individuals struggle with it, not because they lack the ambition, but because it can be overwhelming, with its technical jargon, constant algorithm updates, and a seemingly endless list of factors that contribute to search rankings. My goal in writing this book is to simplify search engine optimization and make it accessible, actionable, and effective for everyone, regardless of experience level.
Since 2008, I’ve had the privilege of working on over 7,000 projects, with search engine optimization being a central component in nearly all of them. Throughout my career, I’ve helped businesses of all sizes—from startups to multinational corporations—achieve better visibility, drive organic traffic, and grow their digital footprint. This book is the culmination of my work and experiences over those years. It’s built on the knowledge, techniques, and strategies I’ve developed and refined through countless search engine optimization campaigns, each one teaching me something new and deepening my understanding of this dynamic field.
Search engine optimization is not just about getting to the top of search results—it’s about understanding how search engines work, what people are searching for, and how to align your content and strategies with both. Search engine optimization is a blend of art and science, requiring a balance of creative content development and technical website optimization. Throughout this book, I’ve aimed to cover all facets of search engine optimization, from the fundamental concepts that will help beginners get started, to advanced strategies that even seasoned professionals can use to take their efforts to the next level.
You will learn not only how to optimize your content for keywords, but also how to navigate the complexities of technical search engine optimization, build high-quality backlinks, measure success using key metrics, and stay ahead of trends like voice search and artificial intelligence. I’ve included practical advice, real-world examples, and insights drawn from years of experience to ensure you can apply the lessons immediately.
Search engine optimization is always evolving, and what works today may change tomorrow. But with the knowledge and tools provided in this book, you’ll be prepared to adapt, innovate, and continue driving growth through the power of search.
Thank you for joining me on this journey into the world of search engine optimization. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to refine your strategies, I hope this book serves as a valuable resource that helps you succeed in your digital endeavors.

This is available on:

Amazon Kindle

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Hardcover with color interior 

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Amazon Spain Amazon Italy    Amazon Poland  Amazon Japan   Amazon Netherlands

Paperback black and white interior 

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Amazon Spain Amazon Italy    Amazon Poland  Amazon Japan   Amazon Netherlands

Maria Johnsen's nonfiction books related to technology

AI and Moral Dilemmas provides a concise exploration of the ethical challenges surrounding artificial intelligence. It highlights the importance of ethics in AI development and examines philosophical theories like utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics in this context.

The book contrasts human and machine morality, questioning AI consciousness and its ethical implications. It also addresses AI’s societal impacts, including bias, fairness, human rights, law, governance, and ethical concerns in warfare, economics, and healthcare.

Cultural influences, environmental issues, and advanced topics like superintelligence and post-humanism are discussed. The book concludes with insights into AI regulation, global cooperation, and humanity’s ongoing moral responsibility in guiding AI’s future.

AI and Moral Dilemmas is offered in 3 formats

Hardcover with color interior 

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon UK Amazon Australia   Amazon Germany   Amazon France 

Amazon Spain Amazon Italy    Amazon Poland  Amazon Japan   Amazon Netherlands

Paperback  ( black and white interior)

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Amazon Spain   Amazon Italy  Amazon Poland  Amazon Japan   Amazon Netherlands


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AI and Moral Dilemmas

How AI Will Drive the Evolution of Intelligent Machines by 2100

In 2100, the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics promises to bring about a new era of intelligent machines that will revolutionize our world. This book explores the cutting-edge developments in robotics driven by AI, predicting how these technologies will evolve to become more autonomous, versatile, and capable. From advanced home robots that manage household tasks to sophisticated industrial robots that handle complex manufacturing processes, AI will enable robots to perform a wide range of functions with increasing precision and reliability. The book delves into the technical advancements, including improvements in machine learning, sensor technology, and robot design, that will enable these future robots. It also addresses the potential challenges and risks associated with deploying highly intelligent robots, such as ensuring safety, managing ethical concerns, and addressing potential impacts on the job market. By offering a comprehensive look at the future of robotics, this book provides valuable insights for technologists, business leaders, and anyone interested in the transformative power of AI and robotics.

Paperback  ( black and white interior)

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon UK  Amazon Australia  Amazon Germany  Amazon France 

Amazon Spain   Amazon Italy  Amazon Poland  Amazon Japan   Amazon Netherlands

How will AI advancements drive the evolution of robots by 2100?

AI in 2100

  • What new capabilities will intelligent robots have in various aspects of daily life?
  • How will improvements in machine learning and sensor technology impact robotics?
  • What are the potential risks and challenges of deploying highly intelligent robots?
  • How can understanding future robotics help you stay ahead in technology and industry trends?
  • What role will AI play in shaping the future of home and industrial robots?
  • How will intelligent robots impact the job market and societal norms?

The Future of AI is offered in 3 formats

Hardcover with color interior 

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon UK Amazon Australia   Amazon Germany   Amazon France 

Amazon Spain Amazon Italy    Amazon Poland  Amazon Japan   Amazon Netherlands

Paperback  ( black and white interior)

Amazon USA  Amazon Canada  Amazon UK  Amazon Australia  Amazon Germany  Amazon France 

Amazon Spain   Amazon Italy  Amazon Poland  Amazon Japan   Amazon Netherlands


Google Books

Google Play


Maria Johnsen's nonfiction books related to DIY

In this book, I share my fast-learning method which I talked about in my Ph.D. research in accelerated learning, titled “Implications for Upgrading Accelerated Learning Practices in Educational Systems,” and my own successful case studies where students of different ages successfully learned languages and other subjects in a short amount of time in China, Russia, and Norway. I used the same method to teach people ranging in age from 5 to 62 years old. This method enabled me to learn 18 languages and study diverse disciplines at universities in Ukraine, Russia, China, France, Norway, and the UK. I have also shared accelerated learning methods and case studies in other countries. I was interviewed and invited to speak on national TV in Russia—a special one-hour program—and at universities in Turkey, Canada, the USA, France, and Spain.
You will find answers to the following questions in my book.

  • How can anyone develop the skill of rapid learning, regardless of their background or circumstances?

  • What strategies can be used to improve learning speed and efficiency?

  • How does mindset influence one’s ability to learn quickly?

  • What role does adaptability play in enhancing learning capabilities?

  • How can individuals overcome common barriers to learning, such as financial or geographical limitations?

  • What are the best techniques for retaining and applying new information?

  • How does curiosity drive the learning process?

  • What practical tips can help foster resilience in learners?

  • How can embracing challenges and failures enhance learning?

  • What are some effective self-directed learning strategies?

  • How can readers leverage their unique strengths to become faster learners?

  • What role do optimism and enthusiasm play in successful learning?

Maria Johnsen’s nonfiction books related to law

Play Video about media law

Everything You Need to Know About Media Law is in This Book!

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the authorities responsible for regulating the media industry. It traces the historical context and evolution of these bodies and their roles in ensuring ethical standards, protecting public interests, promoting diversity, and adapting to technological advances. It also addresses the challenges and criticisms faced by media regulation authorities, including issues of compliance and enforcement. By examining the regulatory frameworks and the roles of various oversight bodies, this book offers valuable insights into how media regulation is implemented and maintained. It highlights the importance of a well-regulated media environment in upholding democratic values and public trust.

Media Law

What Makes Media Law Special and Unique

Comprehensive Scope: “Media Law” covers a vast range of topics, making it a one-stop resource for understanding the intricacies of media law.

Global Perspective: Unlike many media law books that focus on a single country, this book provides insights into international, regional, and national frameworks, offering a comparative analysis of media regulations worldwide.

Practical Application: The book includes real-world case studies and examples, illustrating how media law principles are applied in practice.

Ethical Focus: It balances legal rights with ethical responsibilities, ensuring readers are equipped to make decisions that uphold public trust and integrity.

Contemporary Relevance: Addressing modern issues such as digital media regulation, fake news, surveillance, and artificial intelligence, the book ensures that readers are well-prepared to handle current and emerging challenges in the media industry.

Play Video about computer engineering

Computer engineering is an interdisciplinary field that integrates electrical engineering and computer science to develop computer hardware and software. Key topics covered in a computer engineering book include:

  • Digital Logic Design: Fundamental concepts of logic gates, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits, and memory devices.

  • Computer Architecture and Organization: In-depth analysis of computer components, including processors, memory hierarchy, input/output mechanisms, and instruction set architectures.

  • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Design, programming, and interfacing of microprocessors and microcontrollers, emphasizing their role in embedded systems.

  • Operating Systems: Concepts of process management, memory management, file systems, and security, focusing on how hardware and software interact.

  • Programming Languages and Software Development: Overview of high-level programming languages, software engineering principles, algorithms, data structures, and debugging techniques.

  • Computer Networks: Basics of network architecture, protocols, communication models, and network security.

  • Digital Signal Processing: Techniques for processing digital signals, including filtering, transformation, and application in multimedia systems.

  • VLSI Design: Principles of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), including design, fabrication, and testing of integrated circuits.

  • Robotics and Automation: Study of robotic systems, sensors, actuators, and control mechanisms, emphasizing automation and intelligent systems.

  • Emerging Technologies: Exploration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, quantum computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Each chapter combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, providing a comprehensive understanding of computer engineering principles and their real-world implementations.


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Play Video about self aware AI robot by Maria Johnsen

Creating Sentient AI Robots

The development of sentient AI robots represents a significant milestone in technology and ethics. This book delves into the complex journey of imbuing machines with self-awareness, exploring the interplay between consciousness, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. It examines the philosophical implications and ethical dilemmas of creating sentient beings, emphasizing the importance of responsible innovation. Through detailed case studies and current research, readers gain insight into the challenges and potential solutions in making sentient AI a reality. This comprehensive guide is essential for understanding the future of AI and the moral responsibilities that accompany its advancement.

Looking towards the future, this book examines the latest trends and innovations in AI and robotics. It explores the technological advancements that are shaping the field, as well as the roadblocks and challenges that lie ahead. The book discusses the integration of human and machine intelligence, highlighting the unique strengths of each and the potential for synergy. It also addresses the legal implications of AI robotics and the ethical guidelines necessary for developing self-aware AI systems. This forward-looking book provides valuable insights into the future trajectory of AI and robotics, emphasizing the importance of ethical and responsible innovation.

Amazon USA 




Maria Johnsen’s nonfiction books related to sales and Marketing

AI in Digital Marketing  book presents a comprehensive and innovative exploration of the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the digital marketing arena. It begins with historical context and fundamental AI principles, and subsequently, details AI’s applications across a spectrum of areas, including data analytics, content creation, customer targeting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, Social Media Marketing (SMM), and Email Marketing. A distinctive feature lies in the author’s extensive real-world experience, providing many useful business applications of AI. The book is designed for marketing professionals, business executives, educators, and students, and offers numerous examples and case studies.


  • Underscores the significance of content marketing in the AI era, covering AI-driven content creation, content curation, and search engine optimization
  • Examines social media marketing in detail, with valuable insights into social media listening, chatbots, using Google Ads™, and influencer marketing
  • Provides a comprehensive section on paid advertising and paid social media, revealing programmatic advertising, ad creative, and machine learning-driven ad campaign optimization
  • Includes ethical considerations and legal aspects about privacy and data protection

Machine learning has revolutionized industries, from healthcare to entertainment, by enhancing how we understand and interact with data. Despite its prevalence, mastering this field requires both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This book bridges that gap, starting with foundational concepts and essential mathematics, then advancing through a wide range of algorithms and techniques. It covers supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, deep learning, and reinforcement learning, with clear explanations and practical examples. Real-world applications are highlighted through scenarios and case studies, demonstrating how to solve specific problems with machine learning. You’ll find hands-on guides to popular tools and libraries like Python, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch, enabling you to build, evaluate, and deploy models effectively. The book explores cutting-edge topics like quantum machine learning and explainable AI, keeping you updated on the latest trends. Detailed case studies and capstone projects provide practical experience, guiding you through the entire machine learning process. This book, a labor of love born from extensive research and passion, aims to make machine learning accessible and engaging. Machine learning is about curiosity, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge. Explore, experiment, and enjoy the journey. Thank you for choosing this book. I am excited to be part of your machine learning adventure and look forward to the incredible things you will achieve.

Amazon Kindle

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Amazon Italy   Amazon Spain   Amazon Germany   Amazon France Amazon Poland Amazon Japan  Amazon Sweden  Amazon Netherlands

Google Play  Hardcopy

Amazon Kindle

Amazon USA  

Play Video about neural networks by Maria Johnsen

Key Points Covered in My Book!

Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Learn the foundational principles behind neural networks, including neuron models, activation functions, and network architectures.
Training and Optimization Techniques: Explore various training algorithms such as backpropagation, stochastic gradient descent, and advanced optimization methods to improve model performance.
Applications Across Industries: Discover how neural networks are applied in diverse fields such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, healthcare diagnostics, finance, and autonomous systems.
Advanced Topics: Delve into advanced topics like convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), generative adversarial networks (GANs), and reinforcement learning.
Practical Implementations: Gain hands-on experience with coding examples and practical tips for implementing neural networks using popular frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Future Directions: Explore the latest trends and future directions in neural network research, including explainable AI, self-supervised learning, and multimodal learning.
Case Studies and Success Stories: Learn from real-world case studies and success stories where neural networks have made a significant impact, showcasing their potential to revolutionize industries and society.

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D8T2FTSZ
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 423 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8332192876
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.57 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1.19 x 9 inches

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neural networks

Who Should Read it?

  • Students and researchers studying artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Engineers and developers interested in incorporating neural networks into their projects.
  • Professionals across various industries looking to leverage AI for innovation and problem-solving.

Why Read:This book offers a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of neural networks, providing both theoretical insights and practical guidance. Whether you’re looking to build a foundational understanding or stay updated on the latest advancements, “Neural Networks” equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the evolving landscape of AI and harness its transformative potential.

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Nanotechnology is your definitive guide to the fascinating world of nanotechnology. Perfect for students, researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts, this comprehensive book takes you on an in-depth journey through the fundamental principles, cutting-edge techniques, and groundbreaking applications of nanotechnology.

Explore the rich history and evolution of nanotechnology, understand the unique properties of various nanomaterials, and learn about innovative synthesis and fabrication methods. Dive into the revolutionary impacts of nanotechnology across diverse fields such as electronics, medicine, environmental science, energy, industry, and consumer products.

The book also addresses the critical ethical, legal, and social implications of nanotechnology, ensuring a well-rounded perspective on this transformative science. Stay ahead of the curve with insights into future directions and emerging trends, from advanced nanomaterials and nanorobotics to AI integration and space exploration.

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D6XM1TF4
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (June 12, 2024)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 450 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8328197670
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.66 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1.25 x 9 inches

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Nanotechnology on Google Books

Google Play

This book offers an in-depth exploration of the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), with a special focus on Large Language Models (LLMs). It is designed with academics in mind, making it a perfect resource for students and researchers.

Starting with a foundational introduction to AI and its subfields, the book traces the evolution of NLP from rule-based systems to advanced neural networks. It explains the core concepts and architecture of neural networks, highlighting the transformative impact of transformers and attention mechanisms—crucial components for understanding how LLMs process natural language. Detailed explanations of encoder-decoder structures, positional encoding, and various types of neural networks provide a solid technical grounding.

The applications of LLMs are explored across various industries, showcasing their impact on customer service, content creation, journalism, healthcare, and education. Additionally, the book delves into the integration of text with other modalities in multimodal models and the capabilities of zero-shot and few-shot learning. The future of LLMs is also contemplated, with predictions for emerging trends and technologies.

To provide practical guidance, the book includes chapters on setting up the environment, building and optimizing simple language models, and deploying LLMs in production. It concludes with recommendations for further reading and resources, encouraging continuous learning in this rapidly evolving field.

“Large Language Models (LLM)” is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in understanding, developing, and applying LLMs, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Students are encouraged to buy this book to deepen their knowledge and enhance their academic pursuits.

Large Language Models

Amazon USA   paperback


Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D76PJCT4
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (June 15, 2024)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 451 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8328536677
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.67 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1.25 x 9 inches

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The book “The Future of Search Engines” provides an in-depth look at the upcoming advancements in search technology. It offers a convincing prediction of where search engines are going, supported by thorough analysis and evidence. Imagine a future where sleek, voice-controlled search drones seamlessly navigate both digital and physical spaces, transforming how we find information. This future holds endless possibilities, from exploring distant galaxies to communicating with extraterrestrial beings, all driven by a dedication to progress and discovery. As we move forward on this journey, we embrace the limitless potential of search technology, bringing us closer to a future where finding answers is seamlessly connected with asking questions.

The Future of Search Engines 

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Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems capable of creating new content—such as text, images, or music—by learning patterns and structures from existing data. Models utilize advanced algorithms to generate human-like outputs based on the input they receive.This book aims to explore and demystify the technology behind AI systems that generate new content. By examining how models learn from existing data and employ sophisticated algorithms, the book seeks to educate readers on the principles, applications, and implications of this transformative field. It also includes case studies across various niches and industries. This book is the culmination of my 12 months of research, and I hope you enjoy reading it. I highly recommend it to postgraduate students, as it covers many aspects of generative AI and its future prospects.

If you can’t afford the paperback and hardcover with premium paper and color interior , the book is on Kindle too for only $9.99.


  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D6LLL52G
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 458 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8327763678
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.69 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1.04 x 9 inches

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Are you ready to take your eCommerce game to the next level? Introducing “Digital Marketing for eCommerce”  your comprehensive roadmap to dominating the online marketplace.

With 41 chapters packed full of actionable strategies, this book is your go-to resource for navigating the digital landscape. From understanding the importance of digital marketing to leveraging cutting-edge technologies, each chapter is meticulously crafted to provide you with the insights and techniques you need to succeed.

Learn how to craft a winning digital marketing strategy, identify key trends, and set achievable goals and objectives. Dive deep into market segmentation, competitive analysis, and defining your unique selling proposition to stand out in a crowded market.

Discover the secrets to optimizing user experience, mobile optimization, and leveraging content and social media marketing effectively. Harness the power of SEO, PPC advertising, and email marketing to drive traffic and conversions like never before.

But it doesn’t stop there. Explore advanced strategies such as influencer and affiliate marketing, and master the art of analytics to measure your success and make informed decisions.

With practical tips, real-world examples, and insights  “digital marketing for eCommerce” is your essential companion for achieving eCommerce excellence. Don’t just survive in the digital world – thrive. Get your copy today and revolutionize your eCommerce business!

👉 Kindle: Digital Marketing for eCommerce: How to Make Random People Want to Buy Your Product 
👉digital marketing for ecommerce – paperback
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce – Hardcover 
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce on Google Play 
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce on Google books 

digital marketing for ecommerce by maria johnsen
digital marketing for ecommerce
digital marketing for ecommerce in 2024

Packed with Proven Strategies!

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill bestseller on Amazon under a dollar, laden with upsells, and designed to ensnare you in a barrage of newsletters and sales pitches. Instead, consider this book as your roadmap to success. Packed with proven e-commerce strategies, it equips you to thrive without risking a significant initial investment and helps you generate sustainable profits.

👉 Kindle: Digital Marketing for eCommerce: How to Make Random People Want to Buy Your Product 
👉digital marketing for ecommerce – paperback
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce – Hardcover 
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce on Google Play 
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce on Google books 

Are you looking to take your online business to the next level?

Look no further! This book is your ultimate guide to digital domination. Dive deep into the world of digital marketing and unlock the secrets to understanding your audience, crafting irresistible content, and optimizing your online presence. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, we’ve got the strategies tailored just for you. Join us on this journey to e-commerce excellence and watch your business soar to new heights!

👉 Kindle: Digital Marketing for eCommerce: How to Make Random People Want to Buy Your Product 
👉digital marketing for ecommerce – paperback
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce – Hardcover 
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce on Google Play 
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce on Google books 

Ready to crack the code to online success?

Dive into the world of digital marketing and discover how to captivate your target audience, craft irresistible content, and skyrocket your online presence. Whether you’re a seasoned e-commerce pro or just starting out, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to dominate the online sphere and watch your business thrive!

👉 Kindle: Digital Marketing for eCommerce: How to Make Random People Want to Buy Your Product 
👉digital marketing for ecommerce – paperback
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce – Hardcover 
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce on Google Play 
👉 digital marketing for ecommerce on Google books 

Step into the vibrant world of multilingual digital marketing strategies in 2024, where boundaries blur, and opportunities for global triumph abound. My dedication to this field, fueled by a fervent belief in the transformative power of effective communication, has led me to pen this book. Having personally witnessed both the challenges and triumphs of enterprises navigating diverse markets, I am driven to impart the knowledge and insights I’ve acquired over the years.

Through immersive case studies and blueprints drawn from a spectrum of global industries, I offer tangible examples that illuminate the unique obstacles faced by businesses operating in multilingual contexts. Moreover, I furnish you with battle-tested tactics and actionable approaches to surmount these challenges and assert your dominance in the marketplace.

Whether you’re a seasoned digital marketer seeking to broaden your horizons or an enterprising entrepreneur aiming to conquer new frontiers, this book serves as your indispensable roadmap to harnessing the vast potential of multilingual digital marketing. We will explore the nuances of localization, increasing ROI through content marketing and much more.




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The multilingual Digital Marketer’s bible

The Multilingual Marketer’s Bible is a comprehensive guide designed to equip businesses with the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. In this dynamic landscape, where global expansion and diverse audiences are paramount, this book emerges as an indispensable resource.

At its core, this book emphasizes the pivotal role of multilingualism in digital marketing strategies along with case studies. As businesses navigate the complexities of globalization, speaking the language of their target audience becomes imperative. Establishing credibility, trust, and resonance across linguistic barriers is not just beneficial but essential for sustainable growth. Explore multilingual digital marketing guide to become the market leader in your niche.


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In the near future, the truth about extraterrestrial beings will finally come to light, changing human history forever. No longer will governments keep this mind-blowing secret under wraps. Instead, we’ll all stand together in awe as beings from far-off, unknown worlds reveal themselves to us.

Picture that moment when the entire world realizes we’re not alone in the universe. “Aliens” dives into this amazing possibility as it becomes reality. These advanced beings, brimming with kindness and a desire for friendship, will share their incredible technology and wisdom with us. We’ll experience the thrilling moments of first contact—deciphering alien messages, building bridges of communication, and embracing the life-changing knowledge brought by our cosmic neighbors.

Think about what this means: new energy sources that could change everything, miraculous medical breakthroughs, and solutions to our biggest environmental problems. But amid all the excitement, there are challenges too. How do we blend this newfound knowledge into our everyday lives? What ethical, cultural, and political issues will we face as we form alliances across the stars?

Join me on this incredible journey—a journey where humanity’s greatest adventure is just beginning. Together, let’s look to the stars and discover not just answers, but new friends and endless possibilities.


  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 447 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8329790764
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.66 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1.01 x 9 inches

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Aliens is a comprehensive exploration of the profound questions surrounding extraterrestrial life. This book delves into the historical context, scientific discoveries, and speculative theories about the existence of life beyond Earth.

Key Features:

  • In-Depth Exploration: From the origins of the universe to cutting-edge research in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
  • Scientific and Philosophical Insights: Discover the latest findings on extremophiles, exoplanets, and technosignatures, and ponder the philosophical implications of alien contact.
  • Historical and Modern Evidence: Examine biblical and mythological accounts, modern UFO sightings, crop circles, and government disclosures.
  • Impactful Contact Scenarios: Understand initial contact methods, the decoding of alien messages, and potential global reactions.
  • Advanced Technologies: Learn about theoretical extraterrestrial technologies and their impact on humanity.
  • Future Prospects: Explore the societal changes, ethical considerations, and collaborative efforts that could arise from extraterrestrial contact.
  • and more

Embark on a journey that transcends our world and offers a glimpse into the potential future of humanity in the cosmos.

Embark on a riveting cosmic odyssey with “The Cosmos,” a captivating exploration that transcends the boundaries of our known universe. From the enigmatic quest for extraterrestrial intelligence to the intricacies of microbial life and the role of artificial intelligence in space exploration, each chapter unfolds a celestial tapestry of wonder and curiosity. Delve into the mysteries of UFOs, anomalies, and the philosophical implications of our place in the cosmos. The search for life beyond Earth takes center stage, with a focus on exoplanets, moons, and the potential impact of discovering extraterrestrial life. As you journey through the pages, encounter historical perspectives, breakthrough initiatives, and the tantalizing prospect of alien megastructures.

“The Cosmos” is not merely a book; it’s an invitation to embrace the unknown and ponder the profound questions that echo through the vastness of space. The narrative navigates through scientific inquiries, societal dimensions, and the uncharted territories of space exploration, leaving readers with a sense of cosmic awe and a renewed appreciation for the boundless mysteries that lie beyond. Uncover the secrets of the universe and embark on a cosmic quest that challenges perceptions, sparks imaginations, and leaves you with a sense of wonder that lingers long after the final page.

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the cosmos

The Cosmos: Quest for Alien Life Forms

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Are Extraterrestrials Living Among Us in Secret?

Could extraterrestrial beings be covertly living among us, concealing their true identities? In my exploration of conspiracy theories, scientific perspectives, and biologists’ opinions, I present various theories and share my own findings. Prepare to be surprised by the unexpected results of this investigation, challenging preconceptions and sparking curiosity about hidden extraterrestrial life.


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Hunting for Aliens on Earth and the Cosmos

Saerching for Aliens on Earth and the Cosmos

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The Search Engine Revolution: From Past to Present and Beyond

About this book:

This book contains my extensive research, personal reflections, concerns, and innovative ideas concerning search engines. Embark on a journey akin to a time machine, traversing from the early days of search engines to the present day and beyond. Throughout the book, I delve into the evolution of search engines since the early days of the internet, as well as my predictions for the future of search engines. Additionally, I provide detailed algorithms, documentations, and case studies on utilizing the new generation of AI search engines and my novel type of search engine. Intended for research, PhD students, and academics, this book serves as a continuation of my earlier work, “Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing – The Next Big Technological Break” which was published in 2017.


Language : English

Hardcover : 388 pages

ISBN-13 : 979-8390258989

Item Weight : 1.45 pounds

Dimensions : 6 x 1.1 x 9 inches

The Search Engine Revolution: From Past to Present and Beyond

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“Treat your loved ones to a premium color interior book with a glossy cover and white paper – the perfect choice for a birthday present or Christmas gift!”🎁💐

Introducing “Multilingual Digital Marketing: Effective Techniques for Reaching Diverse Language Markets”

Are you ready to unlock the incredible power of multilingual digital marketing? If you’re a digital marketer, entrepreneur, or business professional seeking to expand your digital reach, connect with diverse language markets, and drive international growth, then this book is your ultimate guide to success.

In “Multilingual Digital Marketing,” I will empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the complexities of multilingual marketing in the digital age. Packed with actionable insights and real-world case studies, this book will take your global marketing efforts to new heights.

Discover how to craft a multilingual digital marketing strategy that resonates with audiences across languages and cultures. From website localization and international keyword research to multilingual SEO and social media engagement, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the techniques and tools necessary to effectively engage and convert customers in diverse language markets.

Available in bookstores and online. 

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Discover proven sales strategies for small businesses. From prospecting to closing deals, master the art of sales with practical advice, actionable strategies, and real-life examples. Build rapport, overcome obstacles, and deliver compelling value to thrive amidst adversity. Elevate your sales game and achieve outstanding results by embracing the holistic approach to sales.


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Mastering the art of sales

The Business of Filmmaking: Building A Business and Networking Strategies in The Movie Industry

An academic book for post graduate film students. 

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BXNBJK82
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎  published (March 12, 2023)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 441 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8386820466
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.64 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1.04 x 9 inches

Hardcover  (US)


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The Business of Film Making by maria Johnsen

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the business of filmmaking by Maria Johnsen

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The Business of Filmmaking

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the business of filmmaking by Maria Johnsen

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The Business of filmmaking


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The Business of filmmaking

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The business of filmmaking

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C2SMM544
  •  published (April 26, 2023)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 278 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8391107941
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.07 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.66 x 9 inches

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“Treat your loved ones to a premium color interior book with a glossy cover and white paper – the perfect choice for a birthday present or Christmas gift!”🎁💐

The Art of Investing in Film

In this book, I provided a comprehensive guide to film investment, including the history of film investment in Europe and North America, the structure of the film industry, current trends, and the art of investing in film. I covered the various types of investments, such as equity investments, debt investments, gap financing, and tax incentives, and explained the risks and rewards of film investing along with case studies. I have also discussed building a film investment portfolio, due diligence, working with producers, agents, managers and talents, evaluating film projects, negotiating deals, legal considerations, distribution and marketing, and the international market. Additionally, I included case studies of successful and failed investments, as well as real estate and crowdfunding options for film investment. Finally, I concluded with a discussion of the future of the film industry and the role of investors in shaping up the movie industry. I wrote this book out of my deep passion for the film industry and a desire to share my knowledge and experience as a film investor and filmmaker with aspiring investors in this field. My ultimate goal is to inspire and motivate readers to pursue their passion and make a positive impact in the film industry. In addition, I aim to challenge prevalent myths and misconceptions that surround film investment and encourage critical thinking among my audience and readers.

I wrote this book with investors, filmmakers, and academics in mind, as there is currently a lack of practical literature on film investment for higher education. The existing books on the market are outdated and do not provide relevant information for today’s industry.

The Art of Investing in Film: Strategies for Success.

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The Art of Investing in Film: Strategies for Success.

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The Art of Investing in Film: Strategies for Success.

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The Art of Investing in Film: Strategies for Success.

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The Art of Investing in Film: Strategies for Success.

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The Art of Investing in Film: Strategies for Success.

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The Art of Investing in Film: Strategies for Success.

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The Art of Investing in Film: Strategies for Success.

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“Treat your loved ones to a premium color interior book with a glossy cover and white paper – the perfect choice for a birthday present or Christmas gift!”🎁💐

screenwriting made easy-Maria Johnsen

In my book ‘Indie Film Marketing: Global Audience Strategies’ I share tried and true methods for indie filmmakers to master the art of multilingual film promotion. With my passion for storytelling and many years experience in multilingual digital marketing and helping major player clients around the world and my own films, I reveal strategies to connect with audiences beyond the studio system.Discover the power of multilingual film marketing, data-driven insights, and clickable ad campaigns.  Let’s embrace creativity and technology to craft unforgettable films and showcase them to the world. With case studies and a cinematic adventure, grab your director’s chair and keyboard as we embark on this journey together!


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indie film marketing

The Cultural Impact of Entertainment

 This book is the culmination of my three years of dedicated research into media and entertainment. It begins by defining key terms and setting the stage for an in-depth analysis of their historical evolution and cultural influence. The book charts the significant transition from print to digital media, highlighting key milestones like the rise of the internet and social media. Central themes include the influential power of storytelling in shaping societal views, supported by case studies showing how various media narratives impact culture.

  • Exploration of Genres: It explores different genres—drama, comedy, sci-fi, and fantasy—examining their roles in mirroring and molding cultural norms.
  • Representation in Media: The book addresses the representation of race, ethnicity, gender and disability in media, emphasizing both progress and ongoing challenges.
  • Media’s Political Influence: It delves into the political influence of media, the evolution of news consumption, and the rise of social media in shaping public opinion.
  • Business Side of Entertainment: The book examines the business aspects, including Hollywood’s global reach, the evolution of the music industry, and the cultural significance of gaming.
  • Technological Advances: Further discussions cover the digital revolution, the role of AI in media, and the effects of VR/AR technologies.
  • Conclusion and Reflection: The book concludes by reflecting on media’s role in self-perception, consumerism, and future trends, urging readers to critically engage with its evolving cultural impact.
  • Target Audience: “The Cultural Impact of Entertainment” is aimed at students, media professionals, and general readers interested in understanding how media shapes and reflects culture.
  • Insights Provided: It offers insights into historical developments, current trends, and cultural influences across various forms of entertainment.
The Cultural Impact of entertainment

The Cultural Impact of Entertainment

“The Cultural Impact of Entertainment” is intended for students, media professionals, filmmakers and general readers interested in understanding how media shapes and reflects culture. It offers insights into historical developments, current trends, and cultural influences across various forms of entertainment.

Available on Google Play

Available on Google Books

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D95SBYL
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 547 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8332683084
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1.48 x 9 inches

“Heartbound Revolution” is not a guidebook with all the answers, nor is it a prescription for perfect relationships. Instead, it is an invitation to embark on a personal journey—a journey of self-reflection, growth, and rediscovery. It is an opportunity to challenge the status quo, rewrite your own love narrative, and create a revolution within your own heart.

This book is available in different formats and prices on Amazon Kindle, Google Books, Google Play and the other distribution platforms. 

Google Play

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Amazon Kindle 

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Amazon Canada 

The Surprising Truth About Sales – A holistic approach to closing a deal

ISBN: 9781500797867

Digital copy can be purchased on

The Surprising Truth about Sales

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

The next big technological break

ISBN: 978-1976001062

Hard Copy: can be purchased here

Digital copy on Google Play :  The Future of AI in Digital Marketing

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“Treat your loved ones to a premium color interior book with a glossy cover and white paper – the perfect choice for a birthday present or Christmas gift!”🎁💐

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Blockchain in Digital Marketing

Blockchain in Digital Marketing

Blockchain in Digital Marketing

A New Paradigm of Trust

ISBN: 9798644873081

Digital: can be purchased on Google Books

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Blockchain in Digital Marketing: A New Paradigm of Trust

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“Treat your loved ones to a premium color interior book with a glossy cover and white paper – the perfect choice for a birthday present or Christmas gift!”🎁💐

blockchain in digital marketing

My Goal on Writing Blockchain in Digital Marketing

Initially penned in 2020, my intention for this book was to unveil blockchain technology’s transformative potential within digital marketing. As an author deeply committed to innovation and its practical applications, I sought to empower marketers and business leaders with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively leverage blockchain’s capabilities.

Upon revisiting the manuscript and witnessing the latest developments in 2024, I was astonished to see many of my predictions materialize. This motivated me to enrich the book with additional insights and examples, ensuring its relevance as a forward-thinking resource for navigating today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Now expanded to 528 pages, I trust you will find this updated edition to be both refreshing and insightful.

Who is this book for?

Blockchain in Digital Marketing

Blockchain in Digital marketing

Who is this book for?

This book is tailored for marketers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone keen to leverage cutting-edge technologies in digital marketing. Whether you’re seeking to enhance campaign effectiveness, improve customer engagement, or ensure data security and transparency, Blockchain in Digital Marketing offers invaluable insights and strategies.

Blockchain in Digital Marketing

“Blockchain in Digital Marketing” is available in two formats: one featuring the author’s photo on the front cover, and another without. Explore how blockchain revolutionizes digital marketing strategies, offering transparency, security, and efficiency.

The Next Wave of Marketing Evolution.

This book is your gateway to understanding the next wave of marketing evolution. Explore real-world applications, case studies, and expert strategies that harness AI’s cognitive abilities and blockchain’s security features. Embrace the future of marketing with confidence and propel your brand to new heights of success.

Play Video about sales in the age of intelligent web
multilingual digital marketing
Multilingual digital marketing
Multilingual Digital Marketing 2013

Multilingual Digital Marketing: Managing for Excellence in Online Marketing

ISBN: 978-1542831994

Hard Copy: here

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Multilingual Digital Marketing
Become The Market Leader

How To Achieve Your Digital Marketing Objectives And Increase Sales

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Multilingual Digital Marketing
Multilingual Digital Marketing
Multilingual Digital Marketing
2end edition 2023

My Journey of Discovery,born from a deep spiritual calling to unravel the mysteries of existence. Within these pages, I invite you to join me on a voyage of personal revelation, where I share intimate experiences and profound insights, hoping to illuminate your own path.

This is not a proclamation of having all the answers, nor a sermon on faith. Rather, it’s an invitation to share in a journey—a journey marked by faith, doubt, and, ultimately, enlightenment. Whether you approach with curiosity, skepticism, or a blend of both, my aspiration is that you’ll discover resonance within these pages.

Together, let’s delve into the enigmatic fabric of the universe, guided by wonder and the steadfast belief that there are depths yet to be explored. I extend my sincerest gratitude to the divine for inspiring and guiding me on this writing endeavor.

Kindle: God’s Code 



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BooksList of Publications
the freelancing

The Freelancing – Mastering the art of running a small business


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successful freelancing and outsourcing

Successful Freelancing and Outsourcing


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freelancing and outsourcing MJ

Freelancing and Outsourcing


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