The Spirit World

The spirit world

The Spirit World

The Spirit World is of a multi-layered structure. It is divided into many different levels (dimensions) according to the state of mind of the spirits who live there.

The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration

Vibration is more than your moment-to-moment happiness or unhappiness.

The law of attraction

The law of attraction

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like.

The Law of Harmony

The Law of Harmony

Maintaining harmony in your life is a dynamic, ongoing process.



Spiritual healing can reduce pain and suffering, lessen or eliminate symptoms, and promote quicker recovery.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. The simplest way to see this law in action is to look at yourself and the people around you. The people you are the most comfortable with and relate to are of a "like mind" in some way. Look for the similarities in the people around you - family, co-workers, and friends - their attitudes, opinions, outlook on life and spiritual makeup. Now think about the people who you can't stand, are very uncomfortable with and don't want to be around unless you have to. See the difference? Like attracts like.

Apply this law with the Law of Vibration. Your vibration is determined by who you are and how you live your life. People with a similar vibration will be attracted to each other (on a spiritual level). If you are a hateful, jealous and cruel person then you will attract people who are hateful, jealous and cruel. If you are a kind, loving, and warm person, then you will attract people who are kind, loving, and warm. The Law of Attraction operates in the spirit world also. You tend to attract the spirit people that are "just like you". As you live your life closer to God (and Natural Law) your vibration raises and people of a higher vibration will be attracted to you both on the earth plane and from the spirit world.

law of attraction

You can see the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration working together when a person makes genuine, positive changes to their life. Alcohol abusers who quit the habit are a fine example. Initially, the abuser's life revolves around getting drunk. Their "drinking buddies" lives also revolve around getting drunk. They are together because they have something in common they can relate to, similar needs, interests, and outlook (i.e. have a similar vibration). When the abuser changes his or her life and stops drinking because they honestly "don't need it" (i.e. have begun progressing spiritually) the drinking buddies fall by the wayside. The abuser is not interested in the drinking buddies (and vice versa) because he or she is "not like them" anymore.

Since the abuser's vibration is now a bit higher and different than the drinking buddies' vibration, the attraction for them is broken. The Law of Attraction hasn't stopped working at all - before long, the abuser will be with other people whose vibration is also "a bit higher". Like is still attracting like.

The Law of Attraction applies primarily to the spiritual and mental realms. In the physical, opposites attract. Although it is not used, it may be clearer to say that the Law of Spiritual Attraction is "like attracts like" and the Law of Physical Attraction is "like attracts it's opposite".

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